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The 'Contrapunto' research team, created in 2006, is committed to studying the musical culture from the 15th to the 17th centuries. It has carried out three national and two international research projects focused on topics such as the study of the urban music in three Spanish cities or the review of the concept of musical work at that time from theoretical, historical, philosophical, and experimental points of view. In all of them, the work with primary musical sources and the critical edition of these has been present. The research group participates as a member of Bridging Musical Heritage, a project in which it collaborates through the study and critical edition of musical works and its dissemination through seminars and collaborative activities. The team is also currently investigating the Palace of the Counts of Miranda, located in Peñaranda de Duero (Burgos), as a musical space.

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Soterraña Aguirre

Profesora titular de Musicología.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.


Soterraña Aguirre is a Professor of Musicology at the University of Valladolid (Spain) dedicated to studying and teaching music of the 15th and 16th centuries, addressing historical-cultural and mediation approaches. Some of her most recent works focus on "the musical work" in the Renaissance, the music and work of Tomás Luis de Victoria, the lament Nunca fue pena mayor, the paratexts of Silva de sirenas, or the sound space of the Renaissance palace in Peñaranda de Duero.
She is the author of two monographic books. The second of these -Un manuscrito para un convento. El "Libro de Música" de Sor Luisa de la Ascensión (1998)- pioneered gender studies for proposing new perspectives for understanding and interpreting music performed by women. She is also the author of a considerable variety of national and international publications, all of them related to the aforementioned themes.


She has directed four R+D+i projects (3 national and 1 international). She has been an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne,  and Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford (MALMECC Project). She was the Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Musicology at the University of Valladolid (2002-2019) and designed for approval of two inter-university Doctoral Programmes, coordinated with the Complutense University (2012-18) and the University of La Rioja (2019).
Soterraña is committed to the transfer of scientific results to society. In this sense, he conceived and produced the concert-scenic Versa est (Junta de Castilla y León, In addition, together with other researchers, she co-created the Tomás Luis de Victoria Study Centre Project - - and the Abvlensis Festival - -. Furthermore, she directs the project for the digitalisation and cataloguing of the musical collections of the Cathedral of Valladolid.

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