The project Mundos e Fundos. Methodological and Interpretive Worlds of Musical Collections is based on a thorough multidisciplinary scientific research work, close to primary sources, which main goal is to transform musical sources into a space for the formation of critical mass and for the appreciation of the Portuguese heritage. It focuses on identifying and studying the musical legacy preserved in archives and libraries (and their social and cultural context), and on training young researchers to being able to work on these sources, philological and musically, making them available to a wider audience.

With the conviction that the goals of the project can only be complemented with a full and comprehensive transfer of knowledge, all this research and promotional work, in addition to the usual scientific communications and publications, is materialized through the Série Mundos e Fundos (edited by the University of Coimbra Press, and offering critical editions, rigorous but plural, of Latin and vernacular polyphony, instrumental repertoire and treatises from the 16th to 18th century), as well as with regular national and international performances by the musical laboratories Cappela Sanctae Crucis, Cupertinos, O Bando de Surunyo, directed, respectively, by researchers Tiago Simas Freire, Luís Toscano and Hugo Sanches.
Assistant professor in the area of Musical Studies. Director of the Art Studies graduation course. Integrated member of the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies (CECH) of the University of Coimbra, coordinating the research project Mundos e Fundos. Mundos Metodológico e Interpretativo dos Fundos Musicais (CECH). He is also a member of the international research groups Lexique Musical de la Renaissance (CERS, U. Lorraine), Tratados Musicales en Español | TraMusE (U. Salamanca), and Contrapunto. The Renaissance Musical Work: Foundations, repertoires and practices (U. Valladolid).
Paulo Estudante is currently strongly focused on co-coordinating three projects: Restoration of the musical sources of the University of Coimbra (since 2019), Seeing and Hearing the Past. Spatial and acoustic reconstruction of the Old Cathedral of Coimbra in the 16th century (since 2020), and Bridging Musical Heritage. Shaping creativity today by reconnecting cultures from the past (since 2022).
ABREU, José, ESTUDANTE, Paulo, “Vers l’identification d’un lexique musical portugais. Définition d’un point de départ avec la mise en contexte et dépouillement de l’Arte de Cantochão de Pedro Talésio (1618/1628)”, Diego Pacheco, C., García Pérez, Amaya (eds.), Musique et lexique à la Renaissance. Une approche de la musique ancienne par ses mots, Paris, Classiques Garnier. 2022, pp. 185-196;
ESTUDANTE, Paulo, “História recente dos cartapácios da Universidade de Coimbra – Homenagem aos pioneiros da Musicologia Portuguesa” / “Recent history of the cartapácios at the University of Coimbra – Tribute to the Pioneers of Portuguese Musicology”, Escola de Música da Sé de Évora: conferências, Edições Colibri, 2019, pp. 105-137 / 139-178;
LUÍS, Ana R., ESTUDANTE, Paulo, "Documenting 17th-century Língua de Preto: Evidence from the Coimbra archives", Schwengler, A. et al. (eds.), The Iberian Challenge: Creole languages beyond the plantation setting, Frankfurt, Iberoamericana Vervuert Publishing, 2016, pp. 85-112;
LUÍS, Ana R., ESTUDANTE, Paulo, "Vilancicos de Negro: the meeting-point between Afro-Portuguese and Baroque church music”, Faits de Langues 49/1, Brill Publishers, 2019, pp. 155- 165;
ESTUDANTE, Paulo, "Por sere[m] m[ui]to nescesarios para o seruico desta See. Incorporação permanente dos charamelas no serviço musical da Sé de Coimbra (sécs. XVI-XVII)", Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra, XXVII, 2014, pp. 295-339;
ESTUDANTE, Paulo, ABREU, José, “A propósito dos livros de polifonia impressa existentes na Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra”, Revista de História das Ideias, vol. 32, Coimbra, Dez 2011, pp. 81-130;
ESTUDANTE, Paulo, “A new XVIIth-century Iberian Source of Instrumental Music”, Early Music, vol. XXXIV/4, Oxford University Press, Nov 2006, pp. 645-60.
His main research interests, at present, have been centred around (1) the study of sources, in particular those belonging to the Portuguese musical heritage prior to the 19th century; (2) musical philology, (3) the social and cultural context of European musical practice prior to the 19th century, (4) musical practices (namely instrumental) in the catholic liturgical context.